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Upcoming Features

We are constantly working on new features to enhance your Brew Ninja experience and to provide more functionality for your brewery. Highlights of upcoming features and functionality are listed here.


Early Access Program

Join our Early Access program to be among the first to experience new features before they're available to everyone else. Your feedback will help us refine the feature before its official launch. Contact our customer support to express your interest. Please note that spots are limited, but we do have a waitlist available.

Price lists

Pricing can be complex. Even more so when you distribute your product across region, provincial, or state lines, or have different types of customers. Price lists help with that. They will allow you to create custom price lists that can be assigned to customers or groups of customers.

ETA: currently in "Early Access", soon available for all plans. (ask about joining the Early Access Plan to get it quicker).

Improved Delivery Workflow

Brew Ninja users have generated millions of sales documents in our system. We have gathered valuable feedback from our users to enhance their experience. Our team is diligently working on improving deliveries to minimize friction points and streamline the auditing process. Yes, this includes grouping deliveries together under a "Plan/Route"!

ETA: Q3 2024

Product Lot Tracking

Full traceability: You will be able to assign Lot numbers to your finished goods (Product SKUs). This means creating Lots while packaging, and assigning them to sales, all linked to the Lot number of the raw materials that went into that product.

ETA: 2024

Selling Raw Materials

More and more of our customers have a need to sell raw materials. Maybe you have two locations and need to sell materials to another, maybe you just need to sell some malt to a neighbour... soon you will be able to.

ETA: 2024

Batch Labeling

As batches are blended and ingredients are added to tanks, it can become challenging to keep track of the tank's actual contents. Instead of going through the list of batches and added-ingredients, you will have the option to create a label for tank contents. This will allow you to easily identify the contents of your tanks at a glance. Rest assured, you can still access the detailed information of your tank contents whenever needed.

ETA: late 2024 - early 2025

Improved Scheduling

Improvements to the scheduler to make it easier to read and use, do a better job of displaying a busy schedule, and add a better breakdown of brewing events, as well as CRM-related events.

The changes to the schedule will pave the way for future assisted production scheduling.

ETA: late 2024 - early 2025

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