Importing Retail Sales

Bulk importing sales data


  • All customers referenced in the import file must already exist in Brew Ninja
  • All product SKUs referenced in the import file must already exist in Brew Ninja
  • All taxes referenced in the import file must already exist in Brew Ninja
  • All levies referenced in the import file must already exist in Brew Ninja

Getting There

Transactions→Retail Sales→Other Tasks→Import Retail Sales

The Import File

Importing retail sales can be done from a spreadsheet in CSV or an XLSX (Excel) file format. A template of the spreadsheet can be downloaded from the import screen. The template file contains two tabs, one which shows the columns required with sample data, and a second tab with an explanation of each column.

Importing the File

  • Navigate to the import page (see the Getting There section above).
  • Click on Choose File.
  • Click Import.
  • Wait while the file is processed.
  • If the import is successful, all the sales orders will be saved and a success message will be displayed.
  • If there are any errors when importing the file, none of the sales will be imported.
    • You will see a list of errors encountered (limited to showing the first 100 errors). The errors will be broken down by the line encountered.
    • Fix the errors in your spreadsheet and then perform the above steps again.

The resulting imported sales orders will have their own unique document number, but they will also have an additional field Original Document Number which will contain the document number from the spreadsheet. They will also contain a note summarizing the import.

Tips and Tricks

  • Using the LICENSEE_NUMBER field will be more reliable than the CUSTOMER_NAME field. This is because even a small variance in the customer's name in Brew Ninja and the spreadsheet will result in a mismatch, while a licensee number is easier to ensure an absolute match.
  • Using one of the product code fields (INT_PROD_CODE, LIC_PROD_CODE, DIST_PROD_CODE, or POS_PROD_CODE) field will be more reliable than the PRODUCT_DESCRIPTION field. This is because even a small variance in the product name in Brew Ninja and the spreadsheet will result in a mismatch, while a code is easier to ensure an absolute match.
  • Providing a FULFILLED_DATE for sales orders will result in them being finalized. Lines that do not have a FULFILLED_DATE will be imported as approved, but will still need to be delivered and finalized. 
  • The most common source of errors is the system not  having the prerequisite data, or a slight variance in a name or code in spreadsheet column and the system.

Further Reading