Importing Direct Sale Product SKUs

How to import "Direct Sale" items into your Product SKUs.



Getting there

Product SKUs → Import


You can quickly import all of your direct sale product SKUs from a spreadsheet using this importer. This can be very handy if you can export a list of items such as T-Shirts from your Point-Of-Sale system. 

Other types of product SKUs are too complex to import from a spreadsheet, so you should use the Product SKU Wizard instead to quickly import.


  1. Download the template spreadsheet file.
  2. Complete the spreadsheet with information regarding your direct sale Product SKUs. 
  3. Upload the your spreadsheet using the file upload button.
  4. Click on Import.
  5. If the import is successful, you see the results displayed. If there are issues with the source spreadsheet you will see a list of the issues and have to fix the source document before attempting to upload again.