Discarding Tank Contents

How to remove contents from a tank without packaging the remaining volume


You have contents within a tank that you wish to remove.

Getting there

Discarding Tank Contents

Required Role: Production Access → Tanks → Modify

  • Elevate your permissions
  • In the relevant tank, click the trash can icon located beside the batch you wish to discard.
  • Read the popup window that showcases the various options available to you.
  • If you wish to discard the batch while maintaining a record of the materials consumed, click the link within the Bad Batch section to transfer the batch to the discard tank.
  • Alternatively, if you wish to delete the batch entirely, forgoing all accounting of material consumption, click the link within the Something Else section to delete the batch.

Tips and Tricks

Accidental discards or deletions can be reversed on the product transfer history page.

Further Reading