How to create and edit retail sales to sell product to your retail customers
- The Transactions Access → Retail Sales→ Access role is required to view existing retail sales.
- The Transactions Access → Retail Sales → Create role is required to create and edit retail sales.
Getting There
Creating a New Retail Sale
- Click on the Add button at the top of the list of retail sales.
- Enter the document information for the retail sale.
- Enter the line items for the retail sale.
- Click the Save All button to save your changes, or Cancel to revert them.
Editing an Existing Retail Sale
- Click on the retail sale that you wish to edit from the list of retail sales shown.
- Click on the Edit button at the top of the retail sale. This option will only be available if the retail sale has not yet been processed or submitted to QuickBooks.
- Modify the document information for the retail sale, if required.
- Add, modify, or delete line items for the retail sale, if required.
- Click the Save All button to save your changes, or Cancel to revert them.
Entering the Document Information
In the Sale Details section:
- Specify the date of the sale.
- Optionally, enter the customer's name, account and phone number.
- Select the warehouse that is responsible for processing the sale.
- Select a payment method for the sale.
- Add any additional notes that may be required for the sale.
- Indicate if the sale needs to be flagged for further attention.
- Indicate which levies, if any, apply to the sale.
Entering the Retail Sale Line Items
In the Sale Items section:
- Click on the Add button at the top of the grid to add a new line.
- For each line:
- Select the product SKU being sold.
- Enter the price and discount (if any) for the product.
- Enter the quantity of the product being sold. Note that for kegs and rental products, the quantity will be fixed as one.
- Select the tax rate applicable to the product.
- If this entry is a keg or rental, select the associated serial number.
- Enter any additional notes required for the product.
Tips and Tricks
Ensure that all the items, quantities and costs on the retail sale are correct before finalizing to prevent yourself from having to make corrections in the future.