How to create and edit invoices to sell product and get paid.
- The Transactions Access → Sales Orders → Access role is required to view existing sales orders.
- The Transactions Access → Sales Order → Create role is required to create and edit sales orders.
- Your Square connection must be configured for wholesale orders.
Getting There
Creating a New Invoice
- Click on the Wholesale Pricing or Retail Pricing button at the top of the list of sales orders to create a new sales order with the corresponding pricing model. Note that the pricing model cannot be changed for existing sales orders.
- Enter the document information for the sales order.
- Enter the line items for the sales order.
- Click the Save All button to save your changes. A draft of your sales order will be created.
- Review your draft to ensure information is correct.
- Click the Submit button to submit your sales order for approval. If you have access to approve sales orders, you may now click Approve to approve the order.
- The Square Invoice button will now appear, click this button to create an invoice in Square.
- Payment for the order will be recorded in Square when it is received. When the order gets paid, the payment status in Brew Ninja will be updated.
- The final step is to click complete from within the sales order. This finalizes the sale and ensures that the sale is included in reports.
Entering the Document Information
In the Sale Order Details section:
- Select the customer associated with the sales order.
- The sales order date should be the date the sale actually took place. This date will be used for reporting purposes.
- If known, enter the customer's purchase order number.
- Select the warehouse that is responsible for processing the sales order, this should be the warehouse that you are pulling inventory from.
- The planned delivery date should be the date that you plan to fulfill the order. This date must be in the future.
Entering the Sales Order Line Items
In the Items section:
- Click on the Add button at the top of the grid to add a new line.
- For each line:
- Select the product SKU being sold.
- Enter the price and discount (if any) for the product.
- Enter the quantity of the product being sold.
- Select the tax rate applicable to the product.
- Enter any additional notes required for the product.
Editing an Invoice
- Open up the sales order.
- If the sales order has not yet been approved, click edit.
- If the sales order has been approved, click undo approval, and then edit.
- Make the appropriate changes.
- Click the Save All button to save your changes.
Further Reading
Configuring your Square Connection for Invoicing