Configuring the Brew Sheet

Learn how to configure your Brew Sheets


A user account with the assigned role of Schedule / Configure Brew Sheet.

Getting There

Setup → Brew Sheets


 You can create as many brew-sheets as you want. You can associate a specific brew sheet with a specific recipe. If a recipe does not explicitly have a brew-sheet associated with it, then the default brew sheet is used.

Default Brew Sheet

The default Brew Sheet cannot be deleted. If there is a recipe that does not explicitly defines a brew-sheet, the default brew sheet is used.

Properties of a Brew Sheet

Your brew sheet is a collection of fields detailing your brews' progress, split into several categories. Both fields and categories can be created, edited, and deleted as required.


They group the fields together in a brew sheet when using the brew sheet

Name The unique name of the category
Priority The order of this category. For Example, the 3rd category has a priority 3.

Category Columns

Name The unique name of this field. No two fields on a brew sheet may have the same name unless you intend to aggregate the fields as one section.
Prefix For fields of type Text and Number, you can specify a prefix to be displayed before the field input area. For example, fields representing monetary values could have a prefix of '$', or the symbol of your local currency.
Postfix For fields of type Text and Number, you can specify a postfix to be displayed after the field input area. For example, fields representing temperatures could have a postfix of '°C', or the symbol of your local temperature unit.
Field Type The type of data this field represents. There are several field types explained in depth in the Field Types table later in this article.
Values For fields of type Values, you must enter a list of all possible values for this field.

Field Types

Date Date fields store a single date. This is useful when you need to know the date something occurs but are not concerned with the specific time of day.
DateTime Date-Time fields are essentially a Date field and a Time field combined into a single entry. This is useful if you need to know both the date and the time of day that something occurs.
Notes For paragraph textual information, notes fields allow multiple text lines to be entered in a single form field.
Number Number fields are best suited for numeric values such as temperature or any quantity values.
Text Text fields are best suited for textual information that fits on a single line.
Time Time fields store a time of day. 
Values Value fields are best suited for when you need to select a single option from a set of options. On your Brew Sheet, Value fields show up as a drop-down list. You can specify the set of all possible options in the Values column of the Fields table in the Brew Sheet Configuration form by entering each value separated by commas.
YesNo Yes-No fields are suited for information that may only have a value of yes or no.

Managing Brew Sheets

Add a new Brew sheet

  1. Click Setup → Brew Sheets

  2. Click the "Create New Brewsheet" button
  3. A new Brewsheet is created with the default name of "New BrewSheet"

Edit a Brew sheet

  1. Click Setup → Brew Sheets

  2. Under the "Actions" column click the "Edit" button
  3. Clicking the "Edit" button will open your Brew Sheet Configuration form

Duplicate a Brew Sheet

  1. Click Setup → Brew Sheets

  2. Under the "Actions" column click the "Duplicate" button
  3. A Brew sheet named "Copy of <Name of Original Brew Sheet>" will be added

Further Reading

Creating/Editing Brew Sheet Categories

Creating/Editing Brew Sheet Fields

Explanation of User Roles